Tag Archives: half marathon

Your First Half Marathon Training Plan For Beginners

Everyone dreams about the flat tummy and this is the most common area where the fat is located. Luckily, with a regular yoga practice and specific yoga poses you will achieve your target of successfully training for a half marathon.

Even if you’re a first-timer.

If you have never done yoga before, yoga may conjure up images of contortionist positions, which are intimidating. On the contrary, you can incorporate some morning yoga stretches into your routine that are gentle but invigorating, and will energize you to start your day.

On the other hand, yoga poses stimulated the production of the HGH (human growth hormone). In case you didn’t know, HGH is the main responsible for our heights and if you want to grow taller you should consider this aspect very strongly. To sum up all the above, yoga will help you correct your posture and will turn you into a taller person very fast.

Let me tell you this, if you don’t do something about your lungs, they will crash as you age. The truth is that the lung cells die faster than you can replace them every year. At age 70 you already have lost 45% of your lung. This is bad for your immunity system, your strength and stamina. The smaller you lung becomes the chance of dying is greater. So you need to have a strong lung yoga stretches to live longer.

Gently and gradually move forward until your head is resting either on the stack of pillows, or the bed itself. This may take some time, so don’t get frustrated. If your head won’t reach the bed or the pillows, then rest your arms on the bed. Breathe.

The seated forward bend, cobra and spinal twist are ideal poses to practice when you feel stressed, frustrated or upset. They will help release any stress and tension you may feel in your body. Take your time with the poses and see how great you feel afterwards. Enjoy and please let me know how you feel.