Walk-run Half Marathon Training

nullRunning a marathon is a challenging task. Marathons are 26.2 miles of running and for many people this can be a daunting endeavor. However, running a marathon is included in many people’s bucket lists and while they may feel it something they will never accomplish, the truth is that almost anyone who dreams of running a marathon can do it.

Unlike any other marathon training schedule you can buy online, I don’t use myself as the only example or base my whole system on something that has only worked for me…

Sarah Witt was a marathon runner whose final race put her in the top three women in her last attempt at a half marathon. At the time she was the editor of the high tech e-magazine “Portal”. Both she and her husband had been on the staff of a prestigious West Coast information magazine.

If you look at the lives of most famous people you will notice that they are surrounded by people who helped and supported them along the way. Many of their supporters have taken bullets and sacrificed their own careers so that the one that you know as being famous would succeed.

The final phase of your super marathon advice program will be to prepare for the super marathon that you will be running at the end of your training program. During this phase you will need to focus on longer run with varied terrain. You will also need to practice supporting your nutrition and fluid needs during super long runs. You will need to get up early during this phase of your training as you will be running long hours every day. However, keep in mind that your body will need rest to recover from the hard training. If you are feeling tired during this phase then try to take naps to help your body recover more effectively. Also focus on proper nutrition during this phase. You need to be fueling your body before, during and after hard workouts.

Drink Before You Get Thirsty- Thirst tends to lag a little behind when your body actually needs water, especially when you’re running. Just Keep a steady stream of liquids going into your body before, during, and after your runs. This is twice as important if it is hot outside. Drink about 2/3 water and 1/3 sports drinks such as Gatorade. Hydrate well!

When working out with weights you should incorporate heavy weighted side bends, cable crunches with weighted leg raises. This must be done on a progressive and heavy basis. Focus all your effort on sit-ups and crunches. At some point, you will see your abs start to be more pronounced.

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